Sunday, 9 April 2017

10 On-Page SEO Techniques That’ll Boost Your Rankings (Checklist Included)

On page SEO is one of the most important processes you can use, not only for achieving better rankings but also for running successful Internet marketing campaigns.

on-page SEO
Every SEO campaign has your website in focus and if it’s not properly optimized for both search engines and users, your chances of success are minimized.
Before getting into the details on which SEO techniques to use to improve your on-site SEO, let’s start with some basic terminology.
What is On-Page SEO?
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing each and every web page of your site in order to rank higher in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). On-Page SEO has to do with both technical SEO (titles, descriptions, urls etc) and the content of your web pages.
Your ultimate goal with on-page SEO, is to speak the ‘search engines language’ and help crawlers understand the meaning and context of your pages.

On-Page SEO: Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page (2017 Update)

When it comes to on-page SEO, I’m sure you’ve heard enough about meta tags and keyword density for one lifetime.
If you’re looking for some practical strategies that you can use on your site today, then you’ll love this infographic.
It’s a simple checklist that will bring in more search engine traffic from every piece of content that you publish:

php - for loop

for loop example

Pseudo PHP Code:
for ( initialize a counter; conditional statement; increment a counter){
do this code;
Notice how all the steps of the loop are taken care of in the for loop statement. Each step is separated by a semicolon: initiliaze counter, conditional statement, and the counter increment. A semicolon is needed because these are separate expressions. However, notice that a semicolon is not needed after the "increment counter" expression.

Here is the example of the brush prices done with a for loop .

PHP Code:
$brush_price = 5;

echo "<table border=\"1\" align=\"center\">";
echo "<tr><th>Quantity</th>";
echo "<th>Price</th></tr>";
for ( $counter = 10; $counter <= 100; $counter += 10) {
echo "<tr><td>";
echo $counter;
echo "</td><td>";
echo $brush_price * $counter;
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";

PHP For Each Loop

PHP For Each Loop

PHP for each loop is used to traverse array elements.


foreach( $array as $var ){
 //code to be executed

foreach( $season as $arr ){
  echo "Season is: $arr<br />";

PHP For Loop

PHP for loop can be used to traverse set of code for the specified number of times.

It should be used if number of iteration is known otherwise use while loop.


for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement){  

//code to be executed  



php for php for loop flowchartloop flowchart




echo "$n<br/>";  

